As the owner of AC Power & Comfort, I have asked a few of my client’s on what they look for in hiring air conditioning company.
Below are a few questions that were brought to my attention and my answer for them.
Question 1.
How long has the company been in the trade?
Answer 1.
With an Air Conditioning company having over 16 years experience in the trade, client’s can feel that the company has devoted their time and commitment in providing a professional service that is needed in this industry.
Question 2.
How knowledgeable is the AC Contractor that is coming out to service my equipment?
Answer 2.
As an Air Conditioning Contractor, customers and clients always want to feel reassured that the contractor that is working on their equipment (either Industrial, Commercial or Residential) has a wealth of knowledge. Ensure that they have at least a class A, B or M license and a minimum of at least 6 years experience on the field which is the state requirement for these type of licenses. With AC Power & Comfort, we hold the highest level state license, Class M, and hold 16+ years of field knowledge. With this background, our client’s can feel that you’ll get the work done correctly.
Question 3.
How fast can you order an OEM part so that we can get this unit cooling?
Answer 3.
OEM Parts can be next-day-air or the same as ground shipping.
Some parts might be kept in the local warehouse, however OEM parts can depend on the type of model Air Conditioning unit you might have or the contractor is dealing with.
2 to 10ton units, your chances of OEM parts being in the warehouse are 89%
10 to 20ton units, your chances of OEM parts being in the warehouse are 49%
20ton and UP, your chances Of OEM parts being in the warehouse are 10% (special order from factory) normal lead time can be from 7 to 10 business days or 2 weeks.
But the main objective as an air conditioning contractor is to get you cooling or heating same day, by any means necessary. This may mean you are cooling at 50% capacity, using spot commercial mobile coolers or heating, or generic brands until the OEM part arrives.
Question 4.
How fast is your response time?
Answer 4.
As an AC Contractor the normal response time should be one-hour at the point of disconnecting with the client. Service calls should be about a 2 hour minimum. That should cover 30 to 45 minutes of drive time and 1.25hours for AC troubleshooting; this applies for residential ac clients . For Commercial AC Client’s the 2 hour minimum still applies, however, depending on the type of HVAC equipment that is being serviced (ex).. Chillers, Controls, VAV dampers, VFD on air handlers…etc. the trouble shooting hourly can go up.
Question 5.
How can when we find out if you are a licensed contractor for the state of Florida?
Answer 5.
As the Owner Of AC Power & Comfort, I direct my client’s or customers to the Department of Professional Business and Regulation, .
In this site you can find everything about the contractor that is on your site or building.
They have Reviews posted, how long the company has held this license, complaints, violations, if their license is expired, who holds the licenses or if they are even licensed at all.
At AC Power & Comfort we invest our time in building relationships with our client’s and making sure that all our client’s are high priority when it comes to any type of AC Repairs. We always listen to our client’s AC Problems and find the solution in correcting their needs in order to achieve that comfort level and trust.